Welcome to OneHub.Gov !!!
OneHub.Gov is the first and only single platform that enables your company to pay its obligations with the BIR, SSS and Philhealth. OneHub.Gov is simple, fast, and an efficient way to settle all your obligations to the government!
SSS HUB The SSS Hub provides electronic messaging facility for efficient transmission and processing of SSS contributions and the 1st ever loans repayments. more details |
PHILHEALTH E-PAY PhilHealth e-Pay is the 1st ever online electronic messaging facility for efficient transmission and processing of yoiur Premium Contributions available only to UnionBank!!! more details |
BIR eFPS The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) partnered with UnionBank as a premier provider of corporate e-payments for the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS). With this facility in place, you are now able to e-pay your internal revenue taxes in an on-line and real-time manner. more details |